
I’m Allie

allie prof pic

I’m a twenty-something college girl studying to be a french or english teacher. I’ve been dating my prince charming since January of ’06. I have a passion for cooking, traveling, and keeping up with a healthy lifestyle. I believe in fairytales and the lyrics of Taylor Swift.

Me & J :)

Meet my boyfriend, Jim.

Things I Love: reading, cooking, working out, volleyball, taking pictures, addictive TV shows (Friends, Suits, Nashville, Pretty Little Liars, Dexter), anything French, Luke Bryan, history, country music, learning, Nashville, New York City, Tigers baseball, sunshine, etc.

My momma & I in NYC

My momma & I in NYC

Things I Dislike: Reading/Writing about Shakespeare, catty adults, spicy food, the amount of time it takes me to get ready, winter, people who hate MSU, calories, Rihanna/Lil Wayne, crying children, and frequent migraines.



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