I’m the Kinda Girl…

I’m the kinda girl who…

loves reading cute link ups like these.

will stay up reading all night to finish a book.


finds joy in trying out new cooking recipes.

spends hours on Pinterest in the humor or food categories.

has an obsession with Dexter and learning about history.

has dreams of writing a book, teaching in France, and traveling the world.

has found passion in teaching, writing, and exercising.

does everything in her power to keep in touch with friends-old and new.

believes in fairytales.

me and alyssa


takes a million random pictures.

craves pizza, chocolate covered strawberries, and slurpees everyday.

will spend entire paychecks at target or on country concerts.

has to sleep in complete darkness with no noise.

wishes she could wear cowboy boots and dresses everyday.

Lastly, I’m the kinda girl who thanks God everyday for the amazing life he has given me.







2 thoughts on “I’m the Kinda Girl…

  1. found you through this fun linkup! i am the same way with books.. i LOVE reading, and it seems like these days the only time i can is late at night. what’s your favorite book? also..target, oh target… what a great place. i went today for one thing and left with three bags. haha it’s inevitable. loved your answers 🙂

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